
GOALS, GOALS, GOALS -Write them down!

When it comes to getting your personal and professional life in order, it should always start with grabbing a pen and jotting down your goals.
That was one of the important lessons revealed in discussions led by real estate developer and successful businessman Bob Campana, executive coach and management consultant Rob Berkley (pictured above left), and HealthSource's own Vice President of Operations, Brian Dugger.
Super Campers learned that whether driving a business towards success, or wanting to spend more time with family, the one thing that all successful people have in common is keeping a detailed list of their goals nearby.
With a list of goals in your hands, Mr. Campana said, you already have a map guiding your way. "It's just up to you to follow it," he said.
Mr. Dugger focused on the factors driving a successful business, and stressed the importance of including staff members in the goal-building process, while Mr. Berkley followed up the afternoon with the 7 steps that must take place if you're going to start achieving what you really want to achieve in your practice.
Super Campers really packed it in to hear each speaker, and one word seemed to describe the experience more-so than others: "amazing."
"It really has been simply amazing so far," Dr. Chris Tomshack said. "The life lessons that are being shared, and the opportunities that are being realized has really made this a special event."
(Dr. Chris Tomshack (left) introduces Bob Campana (right) onstage at Super Camp.

(interesting side note)
Mr. Campana also suggested getting back in-touch with friends and family via hand-written notes instead of the newfound methods of text messaging and email.
So, who should you start with?
"If you can, start with your mother," he said. "It might seem like a little thing, but it can mean so much."

--Steve Szucs

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